8 Books About Bullying With Touching Messages

5 min readJan 4, 2022

Bullying is still a very common issue out there. More popular during school years, it may also extend and target adults later on in life. Books about bullying represent a good source of information for those who struggle with it or want to combat the phenomenon. You do not necessarily need to focus on educational materials or scientific research, but bullying novels can be just as helpful. Here are some of the top-rated books on the market.

If Grace Is Dead I Killed Her, by T. G. Starr

Maddie Hunter is desperate for attention. She wants to feel like she belongs somewhere. Her mother neglected her due to alcohol and random hookups, so her childhood was covered in sorrow and bitterness. She develops into an aggressive young lady who simply strikes at everyone around her. One thing seems to change her life when she falls for a new boy in town.

While happiness finally finds a bit of room in her life, bad behavior takes her back where she started — a dead end with no future prospects. She only has one thing in mind now — revenge. Her malice goes to unprecedented levels and even gets her in trouble with the school officials. Her rage randomly settles on a local nerd.

Unfortunately, her actions seem to go in the wrong direction and may even lead to death. Can Maddie turn herself around and save lives instead? Can she get back on track and actually prevent herself from reaching self-destruction?

Face, by Benjamin Zephaniah

Available in both hardcover and digital formats, Face is one of the best books about bullying. Not only is it actual, but it also targets real life issues that plenty of people might have gone through. The book features a clear message about bullying and teenagers will inevitably find themselves as they go through its chapters.

The subject will give readers plenty of things to think about. It is not just an enjoyable read, but it is also a book about prejudice and everyday challenges. The story follows a young man — Martin, whose bravery can inspire everyone around. It teaches readers a highly valuable lesson of life and can come at the perfect time in a teenager’s life.

The story is soul searching and teaches youngsters how to react to disfigurement. It is quite sensitive and emotional at times, as well as complicated and difficult to read for some — definitely a must-read for those who want a life story.

Cat’s Eye, by Margaret Atwood

Cat’s Eye is one of the most inspiring YA novels for women. It tells Elaine’s story. The painter has quite a few controversies regarding her life and artwork. One day, she decides to return to Toronto — the city where she grew up. Memories come back to life and she suddenly remembers three girls who introduced her to what childhood means.

They taught her everything about bonding, loyalty and betrayal. Elaine is no longer a child now. She is an adult. She is a daughter, but also an artist and a lover. She is a woman from all points of view. At this point, it could be the perfect time to forget about those haunting memories and get back on track — back to herself again.

The book is often full of humor and can put a smile on your face, but there are also times when it becomes disturbing. It is compassionate and can show people how to cut their ties from the past in order to reveal their full potential.

Only Ever Yours, by Louise O’Neill

It is said that women are created for men to enjoy them. While a controversial unwritten rule, it indirectly affects women — every girl wants to be beautiful in order to feel attractive. In this book, girls are no longer born the classic way. They are trained in particular schools in order to learn how to pleasure men — just until the right age comes.

The story follows Isabel and Freida — two good friends who are now 16 years old and ready to become women. At this point, they are ready to be chosen as wives for powerful men. Their goal? Keeping among the most beautiful girls in the school. Should they fail to become wives, they will end up as concubines or teachers in the school — not the best scenario.

The last year puts pressure on Isabel, who goes on a self-destructing venture and risks her beauty. When the boys finally get there to choose their brides, Freida must do whatever it takes to succeed — even if that means betraying her best friend.

Blubber, by Judy Blume

This is one of the deepest books about bullying. Bullying is terrible, indeed. However, this book shows that true friendship is worth every battle you might encounter in life. All in all, this story follows Linda. She is in school and preparing a new class project. She ends up reading it loud in front of the classroom, but she gets the bad reaction.

Instead of appreciating it, pretty much everyone finds it funny. Her appearance might have something to do with it. Linda is overweight and there is not much she can do about it overnight. It is a bad joke, but it eventually leads to a continuous ritual of humiliation. From all those people, Jill is the only one who feels bad for Linda.

Jill is too scared to do anything — she would rather go with the crowd. At some point, she decides to stand up and confront the bullies. Inevitably, she ends up as the next victim. To make it even worse, Linda is now on the bullies’ side because she likes the feeling of being left alone.

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Originally published at https://joelbooks.com on January 4, 2022.

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